Winchester Model 100 / 88 Magazine

Price: $ 12,345.00
Winchester Model 100 / 88 MagazineWinchester Model 100 / 88 MagazineWinchester Model 100 / 88 Magazine
Condition: VERY GOOD
Comments: Looking for Winchester Model 100 or Model 88 four shot magazines. Would also consider larger capacity ten or twenty round if available. Required for vermin control purposes. Licensed to handle large capacity magazines. Photo attached for sample.
Make: Winchester
Model: 100 / 88
Calibre/Gauge: 308
Action: Semi / Auto
Location : VIC
Licence No. : 473-329-50F
Seller's Phone : 0409 143586
Transferring Dealer : All firearm transfers must be conducted using a licenced firearms dealer.

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